donderdag 26 februari 2009

Up, down, high, low.

... Watch me flying as I go.
Yes, I'm cheesy. I listen to songs with lyrics like this. Don't judge me!
Knowing, doubtless, you will be forever mine. Up in the air, there's no need to hurry. Wind through my hair, no time to worry.
Yes, cheesy me, yes! Finally, the truth about me is revealed! Just tell me if I'm overreacting. Don't hesitate, I won't slap you!
... What did you just say? Slap!
No. Just messing around =)

This smalltyping is fun! Okay, I'll stop now.

I actually blogged because I wanted to. It wasn't a omg-I-have-some-great-shit-to-tell thing. Just an gosh-I'm-bored-and-grey's-anatomy-starts-in-a-week-so-I-have-nothing-to-do-and-my-dad-is-snoring-like-hell thing. Yeah, I know. We need Grey's Anatomy!

I am so thankfull that the one who invented this keyboard also added a backspace. If it weren't for that small button my lines could never me read-able. Readable. Is that even a word?
For example, I will write without using backspace right now. Just about how my day has been, kay? Nothing interesting. Unless you find ME interesting. I know, impossible.

So I woke up this morning. It was about ten in the morning. I woke up in a non-pleasant way. I accidentally left my curtains open the day before to the sun was shininh in my face. I cursed. A lot. I wried to go back so sleep but I vouldfn't because .. well, I don't know why. I just couldn't sleep anymore. So I got up, brushed my hair, cleened my teeth, played guitar a little although I STILL suck, looked around my room to find any bugs crawling and to my pleasant suprise my room was not clean but not that dirty that there were actual bugs in it. And then I got coffee. I lovemy coffee. Love it. No serioussly, I love my coffee. I t wakes me up in the morning when a shower can't. (Wow. That just totally ounded like a commercial. Late machiatto, picks up where the shower stops! In stores now for only 8 million dollars!)
And then I went to town. To buy me some coffee. Yeah. Cheeasy me in action!

Fyi: I highlighted the bad grammar without backspace.
Fyi2: I don't know the fucking difference between then and than so I highlighted that as well. Just in case. I rock, I know.
Fyi3: I also don't know how to write late machiatto. I highlighted that as well.