dinsdag 24 maart 2009

Jizz in my pants?


Gah. Lol? I dunno. Judge for yourself!

I actually found 'all' (as in all two) my friends on twitter today.
Twitter whores. Pff x.x As by that I guess you can tell I don't like twitter. It's really random. I don't need to know if you just found a parking space. Or that you're taking a bath (unless..) .
Well, I guess I'm weird. When I read other people, people I don't know, twits I actually find them amusing.



vrijdag 20 maart 2009

Call me John.

Yeah, there's a story behind that title right there.

You know the 'Hey-I-just-made-a-friend' blog? (If you don't, you should scroll down/look it up xD) Well. I said that I trusted her with my every secret within an hour -what does that say about me? Go figure- in that blog.
Not every secret.

I told her I was seeing someone, because she told me she was seeing someone. We were both very excited and then we asked eachother who it was, etc.
I told her it was a girl. She didn't ran away from me, that's a plus, I thought. She answered: I'm in a relationship with a girl too.
That very moment I wish I could cuddle her to death or make her very small so that she would fit into my pocket, I was thát happy.

Yeah, just wanted to share that one with you -echo-


dinsdag 17 maart 2009


No, not the supercool song from the Veronicas.
I mean girls. Popular girls.
Here, let me show you what I wanted to share.

Demonlicious-IsCuwl (372)
zondag, 22:01
Michjeeee..<3333!!! Ja lui is sexy..!!!! Ja Wie gaat er dan oowk 100 tassen mee nemen voor 1 weekend..XD???!!! Jaa idd moetuh snel afspreken.. Wrn kan je..!!! Kusloveyou<333

Translation by me:

Sunday, 22:01
Michelle! -heart- Yes, lazy is sexy! Yeah.. Who's that dumb to pack a hundred bags for only one weekend.. XD ? Yes, indeed, we should meet up soon. When is a good time for you? KissLoveYou.

I have no idea who's message that was on Hyves (Dutch communitysite.. Like Twitter.) but I read it. Because I can. And because I'm a douchebag.
My point is, these are popular girls. The aww-you-have-such-a-nice-skirt-on-and-your-hair-looks-effin-great-now-let's-hit-on-that-cute-boy-over-there-and-see-if-he-likes-us!- girls.
Don't you just hate those people? (Or not. Maybe only the not-popular ones dislike 'em. Like me. Blehw..)

I had a shot today! No, not heroine, you big goof.
It was a vaccin for uterus-cancer.
In my upper left arm.
I felt like I died.
I still do.


maandag 16 maart 2009

Don't you just wanna... Hnngg!!

Fighting with the girlfriend. Again. Maybe it's just a sign we miss eachother. Strange way to communicate, though.
So.. Yeah. Sometimes you just wanna strangle her or something. Well, not really. Not in a I-am-going-to-seriously-kill-you-with-a-knife-or-even-better-a-shotgun-thk, thk (shotgun loading sound)- way.
I just watched a horror movie, so don't mind me.

zaterdag 14 maart 2009

Poor cat!

Can you believe this? Poor cat. His eyes are almost popping out, haha xD
That's all I wanted to share ^^

vrijdag 13 maart 2009

Dear Diary..

I want to write a song. I do. I have all the stuff, the guitar, the pen and maybe even the voice. I just don't know where to start. I googled 'how to write a song' and some site told me to start with finding a title. A phrase. Something that catches you and draws you in.
It told me to start with just writing myself. About random things. And later I have to read it and scan it if I actually wrote a good phrase. So here I am. Trying to find my phrase.

For the ones that don't know yet, I've been to London. That's right. I've been back for two hours now.
I will write some sort of diary here, not only for the ones who might read this but also for me, because it actually was a school assignment to write a diary.
Here we go.

Day one.

Here I am. Trying to fit that last book into my suitcase and praying it will close. Mentally preparing for a ten-hour busride to London. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. The boys in my class don't like me. I don't like them. We don't get along. They throw things at me. I yell.
When we arrived at school I said goodbye to my parents and threw (gently layed it on his side) my suitcase in the bus. Unfortunately, the boys of my class were already in the bus. It was like I already knew shit was going to happen. Finally, when I sat down and found my place with my friend it was al quiet around me for a while. (Happiest ten minutes of my life.) Then, all the sudden, some of the boys started throwing candy at me. Not dry candy. Chewed-on candy.
Ofcourse, I, the idiot I am, don't do a thing. Although I was totally grossed out and wanted to punch them. I told a teacher. My shirt was ruined with stains. I didn't even TRY to get them out.
The rest of the busride was okay with me. The first day we only drove. A lot.
We meeted our host family. They were really nice people! Just a little weird sometimes, but funny-weird. We went to the home of the host-family. We had their food (Peas, pork, potatoes. The three P's?) and drinks, I must say, I was the only one who actually liked it. But I'll eat anything anywhere anyhow, so that doesn't count.
After dinner we went straight to bed. We had a room with two 'normal' one-person beds and a couch that you could stretch out to some sort of bed. The room was very small, I was so glad I didn't had to sleep in the couch-thing with somebody else (I would've stolen all of the blankets while I was asleep.) because that would suck.
The four of us talked all night. Well, not me, I'm the kind of girl that sleeps really fast, so I only talked 'till eleven o'clock or something like that.
Dozed off to a ton of dreams in my crappy bed.

Day two.

The school made a schedule for us with events I don't even like. On day two we had to visit the Tower of London and the Imperial war Museum (and a musical, that was the only fun thing.) which was pretty boring. We had to do all of these school assignments that went with the events so you couldn't even focus on one thing. Our busdriver dropped us off in such a crappy place that we had to walk over the Londen Bridge to the other side to the Tower of Londen all alone and in a huge amount of heat (17 degrees Celsius).
When we got there, it wasn't that impressing at all. Just some really expensive jewelry. So what?

Ahhh, the Imperial War Museum. Well, what can I say about that? It was boring. Almost every museum is. I lost my group of friends (Deja vu, just like in Disney world.) when I was watching what was on the helmet of one of the soldiers, I looked back and they were gone. When I found them back they were all mad at me for 'walking off' (I didn't! They did!) so I made up some lame excuse. After that we had the musical 'We Will Rock You' which was just great. Really good actors.

We went home. They were still mad at me. I doze off in yet another dream for the night.

Day three.

I was looking forward to this day, really, I was.
On the schedule: The London Dungeon and shopping at Oxford Street.
The London Dungeon was fun! (I was so scared, I swear to God, if that trip was any longer I probably pooped my pants.) That's all. Really good actors in there, too!
Oxford Street was crap. It was huge. And so much shops! When I first looked at it I was like: Alright, I have three hours. I will take my time, walk slowly, etc. (Yes. I truly walk slowly. I'm a very lazy person. Or some people call me smooth.)
But our teacher told us to whatever you do, don't walk alone or you WILL get lost. So I went off with my group of friends.
They were enthousiastic.
A bit.. too.. enthousiastic..
They.. practicly.. ran..
Shop-in, shop-out, it was crazy! 'I can't keep up with this for three damn hours!' I thought. And I was right. After an hour I had to throw up. It wasn't for the walking, I'm sure, I just wasn't feeling well all day.
(Great friends I have, I tell them I'm really not feeling well, and you know what they say? 'Oh, come on you big whimp, one more store!' Well who's the whimp now, huh.)
Than we went 'home'. I packed my bags and prepared once again for a ten-hour busride.

Day four.

We had great seats in the bus this time. Wasn't bothered by any of the boys.
Just a long busride, I'm glad to be home.
If you don't mind, I'll go take a shower now.

Goodbye for now.


maandag 9 maart 2009

London 2009.

Once again: Are you excited?! I am!
I packed my bag today. Well, actually, yesterday, but that doesn't matter now, does it? You have no idea what a load of crap there's in my bag right now.

- Clothes.
- Toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo etc.
- Fun pink thing to brush hair with (I forgot the word.)
- Pajamas.
- Teddybear.
- Books.
- Nailclipper.
- A cool necklace.
- My second-favorite ring.
- Something to write on+Pencil.
- Sketchbook.
- Hairwax.
- Another stuffed animal.
- Deodorant. (4x)
- Yet.. another.. stuffed animal..
- A book about cooking skills. (I know, right?!)

'Nd probably a lot more, haha ^^

I think I made a new friend today. (That just sounded like I don't have friends. I do! I swear! One.. or two..) I won't say her name because she might read this, hehheh.
I knew she was in my French-class, I just didn't really.. knów her, you know? A teacher went home sick so we had a replacement. The guy (replacement) said: Go entertain yourself. Just keep the volume down.
So we did.
Somehow we ended up sitting next to eachother? I don't know how, though.
We started talking. No, not really, it was a conversation on paper. (Not a letter. Just.. talking, I guess.) In the end she knew my secrets and I knew hers. I know, right? Weird. It just felt right.
We exchanged email-adresses. We talked, mailed, etc. And today she asked me to do something for her in London. I said yes.
New friend? Yes. Guess so. Loving it.
Like a kid in a candystory. (Not in the 50-cent candy-shop way.)

What do you think of my new lay-out? Way better than the green one, right? I think so.

Anyway, I'll be check-rechecking my bag again.


zondag 8 maart 2009

John Doe

I ran into someone today. No, actually, that person ran into me. He started talking to me, we had a whole, nice conversation about the weather and myspace and subjects you think would trigger something in my mind that says: Hey, this is ... ! I know him/her because I met them at ... !
Yeah, that wasn't the case. We had this conversation and the whole time my mind was spinning with just one single question: WHO IS THIS PERSON?!
After AT LEAST 10 minutes he was like: Okay, sorry, nice talking to you but I kind of have a meeting in 5 minutes so.. Bye? You should check out my youtube account (because I'm into Youtube. A lot. I swear to God, I am the only one that knows who Communitychannel is. Or spricket24. And so on, and so on..) because we should meet up again sometime, ya feel me? (He actually said that. 'Ya feel me.' You can laugh, I did it too.)
I was like: Yes! Yes! Ehm! How do you spell your name again? John, he said. I felt really stupid after that. He must've thought: If she can't spell John how in hell is she ever going to get to the Youtube page in the first place? (I would've thought thesame.)

Turns out he doesn't have a Youtube account.
I still don't know who he is, and where I know him from.

Anyway, I'm going to London in.. 2 days! Are you excited? I am!
It's organised by my school, we're going to spend 4 days at host-family's picked out by.. some organisation.. ><
Not looking forward to the ten-hour busride with about 70 wild, hormonic teenagers screaming and shouting and throwing chips at me (It happened when we had the trip to Disneyland Paris also. Yes, I have been there. It sucked. I will never go there again. I lost my group of friends there so the whole day I wandered around that park searching for them. I asked some guy there and he answered me in French. I was like: Sure! I can speak French! .. A little. Oh.. I.. Don't get it.. Bye.. ) so yes, the busride will be super-fantastic as always! *Raises eyebrows*

Ps: Sorry about the green lay-out.
It looked good when I made it at paint shop pro.
Now it doesn't. I promise you, I WILL make it look nice xD
